Celestite Raw Tumble


Beautiful raw blue celesite tumble. Kids love this crystal!

Serenity / Cleansing / Purity

Celestite helps connect you to your celestial being. It is often used as a focus point during meditations and prayer. Associated with mindfulness practice, it is a wonderful totem to remind you to be mindful throughout the day. It is calming and cleansing and a guide for your journey to your best selves. It aids with sleep. Kids are always drawn to this crystal.

Intuitively chosen, cleansed, & reiki charged prior to shipping.

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Beautiful raw blue celesite tumble. Kids love this crystal!

Serenity / Cleansing / Purity

Celestite helps connect you to your celestial being. It is often used as a focus point during meditations and prayer. Associated with mindfulness practice, it is a wonderful totem to remind you to be mindful throughout the day. It is calming and cleansing and a guide for your journey to your best selves. It aids with sleep. Kids are always drawn to this crystal.

Intuitively chosen, cleansed, & reiki charged prior to shipping.

Beautiful raw blue celesite tumble. Kids love this crystal!

Serenity / Cleansing / Purity

Celestite helps connect you to your celestial being. It is often used as a focus point during meditations and prayer. Associated with mindfulness practice, it is a wonderful totem to remind you to be mindful throughout the day. It is calming and cleansing and a guide for your journey to your best selves. It aids with sleep. Kids are always drawn to this crystal.

Intuitively chosen, cleansed, & reiki charged prior to shipping.

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