Celestial Sun & Crystal Point Keychain - Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Green Aventurine, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz


The perfect way to keep your crystals close and on display — besides wearing them!

The double terminated crystal points (point at each end) are perfect for allowing energy to flow both ways. They absorb energy at one point, transform it and releases it at the other point making sure that any energy coming near you is pure.

Intuitively chosen, cleansed, & reiki charged before shipping.

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The perfect way to keep your crystals close and on display — besides wearing them!

The double terminated crystal points (point at each end) are perfect for allowing energy to flow both ways. They absorb energy at one point, transform it and releases it at the other point making sure that any energy coming near you is pure.

Intuitively chosen, cleansed, & reiki charged before shipping.

The perfect way to keep your crystals close and on display — besides wearing them!

The double terminated crystal points (point at each end) are perfect for allowing energy to flow both ways. They absorb energy at one point, transform it and releases it at the other point making sure that any energy coming near you is pure.

Intuitively chosen, cleansed, & reiki charged before shipping.

  • Clear Quartz: Known as the “Master Healer”, it protects and cleanses us at every level and enhances mental clarity & help with emotional stability. Used frequently for manifestation, it creates more focus & clarity.

  • Rose Quartz: Restoring trust & harmony in relationships, encouraging empathy, kindness and compassion. Promotes love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Helping you find the wisdom to forgive yourself along with the strength to forgive others.

  • Amethyst: The natural tranquilizer that soothes irritability, relieves stress, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. It is also considered to alleviate sorrow and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst also activates your spiritual awareness, opens up your intuition.

  • Lapis Lazuli: Helps you discover your truth by connecting you to clues that unravel your gifts. It encourages confidence and allows you to live your best life, honestly and authentically, with integrity and compassion. It draws on our personal power & guides us through new ventures.

  • Green Aventurine: The comforter and heart healer that soothes and promotes emotional healing. It provides us with strength to face our problems and deal with them with clarity of mind. Known as the good luck stone, it attracts success and abundance, and is a wonderful stone for goal manifestation.

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