That Mishi Magick

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What’s the Woo with Crystals?

If you follow me on any social media, it’s no secret that I have an affinity for crystals. Slightly obsessed to the point where watching live crystal sales are now my jam. (Do people still say that? I do.)

I’ve gotten asked quite a few times about where to start, what to do, how do you see if this woo will work for you too? So here we are — what’s the woo with crystals?

First things first — always trust your intuition. Sometimes crystals will call to you, sometimes they’ll come to you. Most times, if you’re like me; you’re feeling some type of way and google which crystal is best for dealing with that type of way. I won’t go into detail about metaphysical properties of crystals here because there are a million amazing references but I will talk about how I go about choosing ones I want to work with and a few of my current faves.

How Does the Crystal Woo Work?

Crystal use and practices for healing and meditation have dated back throughout the ages but there’s got to be more than just your intuition, hopes, and dreams, right? Not to worry — there is a bit of science too!

All things vibrate at different frequencies called Dormant Oscillatory Rates (DORs). Each cell in our bodies vibrates at it’s own DOR, so as human beings, can you imagine the number of vibrations we have?! Crystals have only one DOR and their molecules are arranged in fixed repeating pattern and that means crystals are highly stable at maintaining their DOR. When crystals are brought into our energy field, the entrainment starts. Entrainment happens when the rhythm of a more stable energy causes another to gradually sychronise. Hello Universe, bringing us balancing energies!

Because of the above, the stable energy of crystals are already used as resonators or transducers of electromagnetic energies in our day-to-day like watches, phones, and our computers. Why not use them in your daily practice for balance as well?

Reasons for the Crystal Woo

Does there really have to be reasons for you to incorporate crystals into your day-to-day? Not at all, you can just want to! Maybe you’re drawn to them, curious about those metaphysical properties I mentioned, or you just think they’d look awesome in your home to spruce up the vibe. You do you!

Here are a few reasons why I like the crystal woo:

  • Feeling some type of way. There are times when I’m feeling that too and need a crystal to help me along. Whether it be a placebo effect or it actually helps, I can tell you that I feel a million times better when I have a crystal for support. And coming from a superstitious family, I gotta cover all my bases.

  • Support. If there is an event or anything coming up that I want to be prepared for, I pick the crystal players that I want in. Think about it like assembling a team to push you forward, and depending on the situation, you can switch up the players. This can work for any situation like an interview, as part of your manifestation ritual, or even those pesky planetary conjunctions/retrogrades. I’ve got a doozy story about a mercury retrograde I’ll have to share one day.

  • Protection. If I want protection from negativity or to protect my loved ones, I use also crystals in this scenario. Think about this like negative juju or those energy suckers around you. Obviously, if you’re being physically attacked, I’m not too sure what a crystal will do, but given you have enough or sharp enough points, crystals might be able to protect you this way too. I put a protection set in my husband’s car because he travels for work. I also put a protection stone into my little one’s back pack, my purse, and my husband’s work bag. This protection stone packs a punch and is known as a karma stone. Essentially, any bad thoughts/vibes/juju that someone wishes towards you or tries to send your way, gets sent directly back. I mean, it might not be instaneous — let karma do its thing.

So we’ve all got reasons, now how do you pick the right crystal?

Picking the Right Crystal

Center Yourself

Whether I’m at a crystal shop or trolling for crystals online, I always like to center and ground myself before I have a wander. What does that mean? I close my eyes and take 3 deep breaths — yes, it’s weird and people might stare but I’m stepping into the woo weirdness! With each inhale, I picture taking in all the light and good juju around me and crowding all the bad juju in my system. With each exhale, I picture the good juju that I’ve just inhaled pushing out the bad and anything that no longer serves me. Centering yourself clears out the noise in your brain, your heart, your body. It tunes you in to be present. And if it helps, maybe say a little mantra to yourself like “Whatever is meant for me, will be”.

Listen to Yourself & Pay Attention

If I’m in a shop, I wander about and see what I’m drawn to or what speaks to me. Did something catch your eye? Do you find yourself wandering to the same area of the store? Sometimes I put my hands over the crystals and take another deep breath like maybe my third eye feels something or I carry them around to see if I feel connected to any of them like I can’t possibly part with it. Walking out empty handed is perfectly normal; like I said before, they will call to you.

If I’m online, I essentially do the same but scroll the pages until something catches my eye. If I find myself going back to a specific picture/crystal or thinking about it again and again while I’m scrolling, then that usually tells me that I need to have it.

Use Your New Crystal

If you end up selecting a crystal, take care of it by carrying it with you like putting it in a pocket or bag. Or if you end up buying crystal jewelry, wear it often. If you selected a big one, display it carefully in your home or office. You could even feng shui your crystals into your home. The more you have the crystal on your person or around you, the more connected you’ll be and the better your crystal will work for you.

Everyone’s energy is different so your experience or entrainment with a specific crystal will be different as well. It will take a bit of experimenting to find a balance that works for you. And although crystals will help, they are just tools to help energy flow more freely. You still gotta do the work.

I’ll share another post soon about how I activate and work with a few of my crystals.

Feel free to give it a try and see if it works for you too.

Leave us a comment on what’s worked out for you!