It Begins…
I say “It begins…” as opposed to “Where it all began” because technically, I’m still at the very beginning. It’s just starting. I’m only just stepping into my magick and hope that documenting my journey here will help others. At the very least, it will help me.
Magic. The Woo. Witchery. Magic can mean different things for different people, but for me, my magick — that Mishi Magick — is the undeniable need to tap into and connect with my intuition and the Universe. There are a lot of woo experts and witches out there already and plenty of references for anyone wanting to dig deeper. But like I said, this is my journey.
Inexplicable connections and gut feelings have never proved me wrong. And they’re just that — inexplicable. But what would happen if I stepped into the inexplicable?
So join me, read the ramblings, take what you will from this nouveau witch. I’m trying to figure out what will work for me and I hope along the way, it gives you a safe space to explore what magick will work for you too.